This novel made me cry so much! I would not expect to get so drawn in to the story from the beginning of the book. The three children are orphaned right away. We see the oldest daughter, Maelle, allows herself to be mistaken for a boy so that she could stay with her brother, Matttie. From the moment that we meet these children, they seem lost and feel lost until the almost the very end of the book. There were some story lines that were not really finished, I am wondering if this book will be followed by another in the series. I would like to see some things have more closer, such as, if anything will be done about a murder that we learn about in this book. This was one of my first reads of this summer and it was really a wonderful book the characters feel multidimensional and one wants to see how their lives will play out. There is one conflict that is resolved a little easier than we might have expected but it does not detract from the story too much. Maelle, Mattie, and Molly are worth reading about Ms. Sawyer did a great job, this book does not disappoint.
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